
Explanatory Variables

Name Description
city U.S. city
police_force_size Number of police officers serving that city
all Percentage of the total police force that lives in the city
white Percentage of white (non-Hispanic) police officers who live in the city
non-white Percentage of non-white police officers who live in the city
black Percentage of black police officers who live in the city
hispanic Percentage of Hispanic police officers who live in the city
asian Percentage of Asian police officers who live in the city

Incident Information

Name Description
id A unique identifier for each fatal police shooting incident.
date The date of the fatal shooting.
body_camera Whether news reports have indicated an officer was wearing a body camera and it may have recorded some portion of the incident.
city The municipality where the fatal shooting took place
county County where the fatal shooting took place.
state The two-letter postal code abbreviation for the state in which the fatal shooting took place.
latitude The latitude location of the shooting expressed as WGS84 coordinates, geocoded from addresses. Please note that the precision and accuracy of incident coordinates varies depending on the precision of the input address which is often only available at the block level.
longitude The longitude location of the shooting expressed as WGS84 coordinates, geocoded from addresses.

Agency Information

id Department Database Id
name Department Name
state State in which the agency is located.

Project thoughts

I am interested in exploring data related to…

  • Political Extremism
  • Black American Opinion